6 Benefits of Prime 5D Green Tea


Did you know that coffee is not one of the most consumed beverages worldwide? Who knew? According to the International Institute of Sustainable Development, tea is the second most loved drink globally, after water.

What is Green Tea?

Tea that reaches your kitchen is extracted from dried leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant. The level of processing determines tea type, caffeine level and nutritional value.

Camellia Sinensis plant is primarily cultivated in the Chinese and Indian sub-continent. China is known for its green & white teas, while India is popular for oolong & black tea.

Green tea is not fermented and is the least oxidised tea available apart from herbal tea. It is produced by steaming fresh leaves at high temperatures retaining important molecules of polyphenols and flavonoids, a plant-based antioxidant chemical.

What is Green Tea?

At Prime 5D, we ensure that the green tea we provide keeps the flavour intact and minimal oxidation happens during processing. At Prime 5D, we procure fresh green tea leaves, which are later heated, rolled and cut-dried. We ensure to keep the catechins in green tea leaves intact during the process which ensures that the nutrition is kept intact. The green tea bags are made of superior-quality nylon specially procured from Japan.

Nutritional Analysis

Unsweetened brewed green tea has less than 3 calories per cup. It contains approximately 29 milligrams of caffeine per 8-ounce, while black tea has around 47 milligrams per cup and coffee about 95 milligrams per cup.

The amount of caffeine present in a cup varies according to the brewing techniques. Green tea also has the highest amount of antioxidants.

Several forms of Green tea:

Green tea is available in varied forms and types, such as:

  • Single tea bag
  • Loose leaf
  • Instant powder
  • Capsule form or liquid extracts as green tea supplements
  • Artificially sweetened drink

Why should you have green tea daily?

Recent hype in the consumption of this superfood is due to numerous scientific studies highlighting its health benefits. Studies suggest that polyphenols and flavonoids present in green tea prevents inflammation and swelling, protects bone cartilage and lessens joint inflammation.. Consumption of green tea also improves skin health, aids weight loss and minimises the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Let’s deep dive into how Prime 5D green tea offers various health benefits:

  1. Promotes weight-loss & digestion:
    Green tea is the key ingredient of any fat burning supplement. Several studies have found that catechins in green tea result in accelerated metabolism leading to weight loss. Increased metabolism also speeds up the digestion process and blood flow of the entire body, hence keeping digestive organs in check.
  1. Increases good cholesterol:
    According to a 2011 review, consuming green tea beverages resulted in a modest reduction of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. As per American Heart Association (AHA) study, having green tea daily also lowers the risk of stroke.
  1. Improves brain function:
    Include green tea in your diet and stop worrying about brain ageing. Green tea not only improves brain function but also protects your brain as you grow old. Green tea has been proven to improve different aspects of brain functions, including mood, vigilance, reaction time and memory.

Several studies show that catechin in green tea protects neurons preventing several neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease.

It has also been witnessed that green tea enhances the working memory and cognitive function of an individual, thus decreasing the risk of cognitive impairment.

  1. Lowers risk of cancer:
    Caused due to the uncontrolled growth of cells, cancer is amongst the world’s leading causes of death.

Research has proven the power of antioxidants in minimising cancer risk. Oxidative damage leads to chronic inflammation resulting in chronic diseases, including cancers and antioxidants that help protect against oxidative damage.

Green tea compounds help reduce the risk of cancers such as:

  • Breast
  • Prostate
  • Colorectal
  • Bladder
  • Esophageal
  • Ovarian
  • Lung 
  • Skin
  • Stomach

However, to reap maximum benefit avoid adding milk to your green tea as it reduces its antioxidant value.

  1. Regulates & controls sugar levels:
    We live in a diabetic world and green tea seems to be helping regulate the issue. Few studies suggest green tea lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes in people consuming it on a regular basis  versus those who don’t.

Type 2 diabetes is caused due to elevated blood sugar levels involving insulin resistance or uneven insulin production in the body. Studies have proven that green tea may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the blood sugar level of an individual.

  1. Keeps Heart Healthy:
    Consuming a cup of green tea per day keeps your heart healthy. With a range of healthy compounds, green tea is more than just a hydrating drink.

Green tea contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) that prevents cell damage and formation of free radicals, thus protecting cellular & molecular damage.

According to a 2006 study, consumption of green tea results in reduced cardiovascular disease. It has been found that polyphenols in green tea lower blood pressure, decreases inflammation and improves epithelial function reducing heart disease risk.

How should you drink your green tea?
The number of cups per day depends upon an individual’s health. Presently, studies have not been able to determine the right amount. Usually, it is suggested to start your day with a steaming cup of green tea; if not, it should be included in your daily routine.

We at Prime 5D suggest that you pour freshly boiled water in a cup over the nylon tea bag, cover it and allow the nutrients to seep in for 3-4mins. Remove the infusion bag. 1 tsp of honey may be added and slowly sip the goodness of Prime 5D Green tea. 

When should you not have green tea?
There are few known side effects of green tea.
However, take a note of the following risks and complications associated with green tea:

  • Caffeine sensitivity: Individuals with caffeine sensitivity could experience insomnia, anxiety, irritability, nausea and upset stomach after drinking green tea.
  • Liver damage: Consuming a high amount of green tea extract may harm liver health in rare cases.
  • Other stimulants: Green tea consumption along with stimulant drugs may increase blood pressure and heart rate.


With numerous undiscovered benefits, green tea when added to your diet will impact your health positively. From improving heart health, skin, cardiovascular system to neuron function, green tea is most likely to make your life disease-free.

Enjoy a hot steaming cup of goodness with Prime 5D’s green tea today!

5 Benefits of Prime 5D Virgin Coconut Oil

Prime 5D virgin coconut oil is guaranteed as the ‘lifesaver of wellbeing’ because of its flexible advantages and uses. Virgin coconut oil is extracted from coconut kernels. Then, it undergoes a few cycles like ageing, agitating (diffusive division), refrigeration and the compound activities. Post this oil is separated from dampness. The crude materials and cycle of extraction of virgin coconut oil generally is done under cold conditions.

Coconut oil is referred to as a superfood that has exceptional unsaturated fats that offer many benefits for healthy wellbeing that is somewhat difficult to find in other oils. 

How is Virgin Coconut Oil manufactured at Prime 5D?

  • Brown coconuts with more coconut meat are specifically chosen.
  • The hard coconut is cut with a sharp blade or knife. Generally, we use a brown colour coconut instead of green.
  • Our machines scrape coconut from the coconut meat present
  • Once the meat is extracted, it is further grated into coconut pieces or cut into small pieces
  • The coconut meat pieces are then processed at medium speed, mixed well, and water is added at equal intervals to make it a fine paste
  • The coconut milk is further extracted from this smooth paste at regular intervals until all the milk is completely extracted from the coconut milk
  • This coconut milk is left untouched for at least the first 24 hours. As it sets, the coconut oil and milk will separate and a curd layer will form at the top of the container
  • After 24 hours the top curd layer is separated & pure coconut oil, free from impurities is collected, packaged & shipped to all our customers
  • We take utmost care to ensure that the best coconut oil is produced that is fragrance-free & free from artificial colours & preservatives.

Benefits of Prime 5D Virgin Coconut Oil

01. Act as a superfood:

Virgin coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and can be utilized as a dietary food supplement. Coconut oil has a higher smoke point and contains lauric acid which is known to raise “good cholesterol” levels in the body. As it is solid at room temperature, you will need to melt it. Coconut oil withstands high heat, so it very well may be utilized in cooking, baking or as a replacement for butter and vegetable oil.

02. Act as an energy promoter

The fat present in coconut oil is quickly converted into an instant source of energy and does not lead to the building up of fat in the heart and arteries. It helps to boost energy and endurance. Prime 5D Virgin Coconut is beneficial in burning the adamant fat in the abdomen and aids in losing weight. Coconut oil as compared to all other edible oils is easy to digest and aids in proper working of the thyroid and endocrine system. Research suggests that coconut oil can boost the body’s metabolic rate by getting rid of the stress on the pancreas by burning energy and aids obese people to lose weight.

The essential fatty acids in coconut oil include lauric acid and monolaurin have strong antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral properties. These properties assist in managing various bacteria, fungi and parasites that cause several gut issues. This directly improves digestion.

03. Promotes hair growth

The nutrients and unsaturated fats available in coconut oil are very helpful to feed your hair scalp with the nutrients it wants and infiltrates the cuticle of the hair. Prime5D Virgin Coconut Oil helps fight fungal infections, keeps dandruff, flaking, itching at bay. Coconut oil gets deep into hair follicles, protecting your hair from breakage from roots to ends, and stimulating strong, healthy hair growth. It repairs damage & reduces hair thinning woes. The good old “champi” is the best way to get more benefits out of coconut oil for managing your mane.

04. Oil pulling benefits

Oil pulling is an ancient practice that involves swishing oil in your mouth to remove bacteria and promote oral hygiene. Oil pulling can kill bacteria in the mouth and improve dental health. It helps reduce bad breath and help prevent cavities. Oil pulling also has anti-inflammatory properties and helps maintain good gut health. Prime 5D Virgin Coconut Oil is the perfect solution to follow an oil pulling routine every day on an empty stomach for 20 minutes.

05. Nourishes your skin

Prime 5D Virgin Coconut oil  is made of medium-chain unsaturated fats which help to lessen dryness and permit your skin to hold moisture. Coconut oil offers a defensive boundary to your skin and helps to save you from natural dirt, heat and other pollutants that can harm your skin. There are different antioxidants and phytonutrients available in coconut oil that can help and support your skin and fight against stress that speed up indications of skin ageing.


As much as coconut oil is beneficial, it is slightly higher on calories, so ensure to burn those calories effectively. However, the benefits are significantly higher when compared to drawbacks.

Prime 5D Virgin Coconut Oil offers a number of emerging benefits for your health. With its amazing nutrient benefits, it offers holistic health benefits. From improving heart health, increasing good cholesterol levels, helps in losing weight, boosts skin & hair health, promotes digestion, improves immunity & alleviates the symptoms of infection.

Enjoy Prime 5D’s Virgin Coconut Oil in moderation & get maximum health benefits today.

5 Amazing Health Benefits of Spirulina

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Before we talk about the health benefits of Spirulina supplements let’s get to know what Spirulina is?

Spirulina is basically a type of blue-green algae that has been used since ancient times to treat various diseases because of its nutritional value. Spirulina supplements contain far more nutrients than you expect them to be. It contains various proteins, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and beta-carotene, hence making it one of the best supplements available out there.

With Prime 5D Spirulina you won’t have to worry about taking various supplements just to fulfil all your nutritional values. Prime 5D Spirulina Capsules will be enough to replace all your supplements and provide you with a lot more health benefits that you were probably missing out till now.

Here are a few of those health benefits to let you know about its amazing nutritional value-

1. Say Hello! To a healthier and spot-free skin

A large proportion of teenagers as well as adults are nowadays concerned a lot about their skin and are ready to empty out their pockets just to get spot-free and glowing skin.

But now you don’t have to worry since Spirulina has got your back. Spirulina has a lot to offer in terms of vitamins, proteins, minerals and fatty acids that are essential for healthy skin. It contains a good amount of antioxidants, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, tyrosine, calcium and iron that can not only help you to reduce your dark spots but also to prevent your skin from ageing, wrinkles and make it smoother, toned, spotless, and glowing.

2. No more stressing about bad cholesterol

As we know our inclination towards fast food is growing day by day consequently resulting in an unhealthy lifestyle and higher cholesterol levels.

So are you worried about your cholesterol level too?

If yes, then here’s a great solution for you: “Spirulina!”

It has been found in research that Spirulina contains a higher amount of  protein that helps in reducing the absorption of LDL or bad cholesterol, hence, improving your cholesterol level. It has also been found as a great supplement for people looking forward to weight loss.

3. No more stressing about bad cholesterol

Tired of seeing your hair everywhere but on your head? Well, don’t worry now you won’t have to spend your precious time trying to find a DIY to get rid of your hair fall. Spirulina will take care of all of your hair related problems whether it’s hair fall, dandruff or hair thinning.

Spirulina contains various compounds such as antioxidants, amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamin A and beta-carotene that not only prevent dandruff and hair fall but also make your hair shinier, stronger and thicker. This is the reason why it is also used in various hair products such as shampoos and conditioners.

4. No more fear of allergies

We all know how harmful allergies can actually be! And this is why we keep running away from the things that trigger our allergies.

But what if we found a way to control the symptoms of this allergy? Wouldn’t it be great to have the power to control or reduce the symptoms of your allergy?

Well, I don’t know about you but Spirulina definitely has the power to control and reduce the symptoms of your allergy. It contains various antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances such as phycocyanin that helps in reducing inflammation, pain and other allergic symptoms.

5. Let’s boost your immune system

Lack of a healthy lifestyle and proper diet generally results in a weaker immune system and metabolism that consequently invites more diseases to your body.

And as we know precautions are better than cure then why not start taking Prime 5D Spirulina capsules and fulfil all the nutrient requirements that our diet is lacking.

As you know Spirulina contains a large amount of nutrients such as Vitamins, minerals, proteins, antioxidants and fatty acids that can help you easily boost your immune system by increasing your white blood cells and antibody count.

So, what’s stopping you from boosting your immune system?

These are just very few benefits of Spirulina; the nutritional value that Spirulina comes with can actually do much more than this. It has been proven that it helps in reducing the side effects of HIV and AIDS and also helps in the treatment of cancer. Along with this, it can also improve your dental as well as eyes health.

Spirulina supplement is an answer to the healthy lifestyle you are looking for. SO what’s stopping you from getting the lifestyle you desire?


Kiss Goodbye to your health woes & welcome a healthier version with prime 5D Spirulina Supplements

Advantages of Prime 5D Kesho Ayurvedic hair oil

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It is difficult to find a reasonable hair care routine, given the fact that our hair consistently goes through damage because of pollution, synthetic medicines & shampoos and more. There are numerous advantages of Ayurvedic oils since it is made out of different natural oils.

Ayurvedic oils are made of natural ingredients like plants, spices, and flavours to battle basic hair issues like premature greying, dandruff, breakage and more. Prime 5D Kesho Hair Oil contains a blend of natural oils that nourish the hair and tackle all hair woes.

Amla is quite possibly the most well-known ingredient utilized in Ayurvedic oils because of its incredible immunity boosting, fight against microbial, and regenerative properties. Amla is a primary ingredient that promotes hair development, lessens and prevents going bald, battles lice, and lifts overall scalp well-being. Ayurvedic oil additionally incorporates ingredients like sesame oil, methi seed oil, banana tree oil, bhringraj oil, hibiscus oil, onion oil and many more. 

As indicated by Ayurveda, applying oil to your hair and rubbing it routinely helps the strength and surface of your hair. It likewise improves your sleep pattern, relaxes your mind, cures migraines prevents premature greying of hair and so on.

In addition, it’s best if you apply warm oil containing therapeutic ingredients on your scalp, to get the greatest advantages. 

Advantages Of Kesho Hair Oil

As mentioned above, ayurvedic oils have certain key ingredients which helps in promoting hair development and prevent significant hair-related issues.

Some of the major advantages are:

  1. Tackles Dandruff: Dandruff prompts itchy scalp and hair-fall. It’s an annoying and recurring issue. It is extremely important to get rid of dandruff for healthy hair. Ayurvedic hair oils are normally thick, but Kesho Hair Oil is light and non sticky allowing to keep the scalp clean. You can warm up the oil prior to applying so it supports and saturates your hair. 
  2. Prevent Hair Loss: The hair keeps falling and breaking throughout the year because of lack of nourishment. Most of the hair harm is caused due to stress, medicines, contamination, heat and poor diet As hair gets harmed, the roots weaken and bring about balding. Ayurvedic oil gives your scalp truly necessary supplements. As the deficiency gets fixed, the hair roots restore strength and prevents hair loss. Routinely applying Ayurvedic oil, will allow you to see positive results in just a couple of weeks. 
  3. Promote hair growth: Wanting long and healthy shiny hair is everybody’s fantasy. Although, in this fast paced life it is hard to deal with hair and apply hair packs that invigorate hair growth. Applying  Ayurvedic hair oil increases the blood flow in the roots which improves hair growth. Applying hair oil regularly to your hair is an important hair care schedule that you shouldn’t miss. Ayurvedic hair oil is proven by science that it is helpful in growing hair length and also adds volume to your hair. Do apply ayurvedic hair oil at least 2 or 3 times a week for better results.
  4. Decreases stress: Massaging your hair with hot ayurvedic oil is a deep rooted solution to get relaxation. Massaging ayurvedic oil relaxes your mind as well as body. The ingredients found in Ayurvedic oil are additionally known to bring about calmness. A decent champi with Ayurvedic hair oil removes all the sluggishness of the day and invigorates you. Kesho Hair Oil can additionally help tackle sleep problems & give you a  good night’s rest.
  5. Adds Shine to your hair : Massaging ayurvedic hair oil on your hair makes it softer and adds shine as well. Ayurvedic hair oil helps you prevent dry scalp. Additionally, it helps to fix harmed hair and redevelop strong and healthy hair. Once you start applying ayurvedic hair oil on your hair regularly, you will notice that your dull and dry hair turns into shiny and smooth hair.

Kesho Hair Oil Is Made of an Amazing blend of 10 different types of oil

Ayurvedic oil are  valuable since it’s anything but a blend of 10 kinds of various oil like amla oil, sesame oil, methi seed oil, virgin coconut oil, lotus bloom oil, hibiscus oil, bhringraj oil, onion seed oil, mehndi oil and surprisingly more. These natural oils  are valuable in preventing hair breakage and cause your hair to grow thicker and stronger. Aside from this, ayurvedic oil has no side effects. Moreover, Ayurvedic oils are  lightweight and provide deep nourishment to your hair. 

Conclusion:Ayurveda recognizes hair as a significant outer parameter for characterizing beauty. Long shiny hair can be achieved  through an effective hair care routine that includes cleansing, massaging and conditioning. Not many options exist to rival Ayurvedic oils as natural oils for hair care arrangements. 

While it is incredible that you would need to join Ayurveda into your hair care routine, be careful about fake hair oil products available in the market in the name and appearance of authentic Ayurveda. Try Prime 5d Kesho Hair Oil to enjoy the real goodness of ayurveda.

Empowering Wellness With Prime Health5D

The Journey with Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd

In an era where self-care and holistic well-being are becoming paramount, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd emerges as a beacon of empowerment and transformation. With a steadfast commitment to enhancing the lives of individuals, this innovative company has carved a niche for itself in the realm of wellness.

Unveiling the Vision of Prime Health5D

Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd was founded on the belief that true wellness encompasses not only physical health but also mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The visionaries behind the company recognized the need for a comprehensive approach to wellness that addresses the diverse needs of individuals in today’s fast-paced world.

Holistic Approach to Wellness by Prime Health5D

At the heart of Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd’s philosophy lies a holistic approach to wellness. Through a synergy of cutting-edge science, ancient wisdom, and innovative technologies, the company offers a wide range of products and services designed to nourish the mind, body, and soul.
From premium nutritional supplements crafted from the finest ingredients to mindfulness practices and personalized coaching programs, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd provides the tools and resources necessary for individuals to embark on their wellness journey with confidence and clarity.

Empowering Transformation by Prime Health5D

Central to Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd’s mission is the belief that every individual possesses the innate ability to transform their lives for the better. By empowering individuals with knowledge, support, and encouragement, the company fosters a culture of self-empowerment and personal growth.
Through workshops, seminars, and community events, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd creates opportunities for individuals to connect, learn, and grow together. Whether it’s overcoming obstacles, cultivating resilience, or achieving personal goals, the company stands by its customers every step of the way.

Embracing Diversity and Inclusivity by Prime Health5D

Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd celebrates diversity in all its forms and is committed to creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome and valued. Recognizing that wellness is not a one-size-fits-all concept, the company strives to cater to the unique needs and preferences of individuals from all walks of life.
By embracing diversity and fostering inclusivity, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd cultivates a vibrant and supportive community where individuals can thrive and flourish, regardless of their background or circumstances.

A Commitment to Sustainability Trhough Prime Health5D

As stewards of the planet, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd is dedicated to sustainability and environmental responsibility. From sourcing ethically and responsibly harvested ingredients to minimizing waste and carbon footprint, the company takes proactive measures to minimize its impact on the environment.
By aligning its business practices with eco-conscious principles, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd demonstrates its commitment to creating a healthier, more sustainable future for generations to come.

Looking Ahead – Prime Health5D

As Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd embarks on its journey of expansion and growth, the company remains unwavering in its dedication to enriching the lives of individuals across the globe. Grounded in principles of innovation, integrity, and excellence, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd is positioned at the forefront of the wellness industry, poised to revolutionize the way people perceive and prioritize their health.

In a contemporary world where wellness transcends mere trends and becomes an integral aspect of daily existence, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd emerges as a guiding light, illuminating pathways towards holistic well-being and self-empowerment. Through a diverse array of cutting-edge initiatives and transformative programs, the company endeavors to inspire positive change, fostering a culture of vitality, resilience, and fulfillment.

At the heart of Prime Health5D’s mission lies a commitment to harnessing the latest advancements in technology and science to enhance individual health outcomes and optimize overall quality of life. By leveraging state-of-the-art methodologies such as artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and personalized medicine, the company seeks to provide tailored solutions that address the unique needs and preferences of each individual, paving the way for sustainable health and vitality.

Moreover, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd recognizes the intrinsic connection between physical, mental, and emotional well-being, acknowledging that true wellness encompasses a harmonious balance across all facets of life. In this spirit, the company offers comprehensive wellness programs that encompass not only physical fitness and nutrition but also mindfulness, stress management, and emotional resilience, fostering a holistic approach to health that nurtures the body, mind, and spirit alike.

As a global leader in the wellness arena, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd is committed to fostering collaborations and partnerships with like-minded organizations and individuals who share its vision of a healthier, happier world. By joining forces with esteemed experts, thought leaders, and innovators from diverse fields, the company aims to catalyze collective action and drive positive change on a global scale, inspiring individuals to take ownership of their health and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Looking ahead, Prime Health5D (India) Pvt Ltd envisions a future where wellness is not merely a destination but an ongoing journey, characterized by continuous growth, learning, and evolution. With a steadfast dedication to excellence and a passion for empowering individuals to live their best lives, the company remains steadfast in its pursuit of innovation and impact, striving to shape the future of wellness and inspire a legacy of health, happiness, and fulfillment for generations to come.

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